Hatha Yoga - The "Yoga of Postures" - The Ancient and Spiritual Path
... addition, this removes all the obstacles that exist to start smoothly on the other limbs of Yoga (the remaining limbs of the 8 limbs of Yoga), which are Dharana, Pratyahara, Dhyana, and Samadha.
Ahimsa is one of the principles of Hatha Yoga; it means peacefulness in thoughts, deeds, and actions to the human beings, to the self, and to all the living creatures.
Here in Hatha Yoga, the Asanas designed to improve the general health and bring energies to the body. In addition, it serves as a meditation pose making you feel perfectly comfortable for a longer period. Being well acquainted with Asanas, you can develop your will power, concentration and self-withdrawal. Moreover, it massages and tones the internal organs, which helps in the prevention and treatment of so many disease, e.g. the chronic ones like Diabetes, arthritis, Hypertension and Heart diseases,etc. All of these Asanas benefits; open the path directly to Prathyahara and Dharana.
Pranayamas is so essential in Hatha Yoga practice, too. It is always the matter of breathing, if you are breathing correctly during the Yoga exercise, and in such a way that is good to your body, you guarantee a good control on yo...more
Yoga: Truth about Your Health
...ly stable mind they will gain wisdom and eventually lead to freeing the soul.
But a student of yoga never forgets that health starts with the physical body. Health of the physical body is not something you would want to bargain for nor can it achieved in the form of taking medicine or health supplements. It can be earned only through effort and sweat. If a plant or a tree is healthy then the fruits yielded by it are in abundance. Likewise, if a person is healthy then great things can be achieved by him.
Practicing yogasana (various yoga postures) for achieving physical health is just the beginning, when a person is performing a simple yoga posture they will experience various levels of quest. They are, external quest tones the physical self, internal quest helps a person attain clarity of mind and gain wisdom, while i...more
Exercise and Yoga for Hypothyroidism
...y happily and without any complications. Exercise and Yoga are two of the best techniques by which, one can easily keep thyroid gland in its normal state.
Light exercises like brisk walking, treadmill and aerobics are very useful. They improve the blood circulation in your body and therefore very helpful in thyroid hormone production. Here one should remember that heavy exercises like weight lifting, dumbles and other muscle-developing exercises are not required. You should better do not do that. All you need is light exercises on the regular basis with proper timing.
You can include various sports instead. Sports are both; fun and exercise. Since hypothyroidism brings weight gaining also, sports that burns the calories will be the preferr...more
Learn Online Yoga Moves
...ons, and practice yoga at the same time.
Meditation is the process of controlling our mind. There is no need to watch any image or a video to understand the process of meditation. You can simply read the instruction, and learn it online. Practicing with a calm mind is the key.
Thus, there is no need to attend personal coaching classes of yoga. You can learn yoga moves online as well.
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