Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Simple Golf Training Aids

There are many types of golf training aids on the market, ranging from the very simple to the complex golf swing plane trainers, those large circular things that you see at many practice ranges. For the average golfer, the simpler training aids are sufficient to give you a good workout and stay fit for golf.

Fitness for golf is not like the fitness you get in a gym. Pumping iron and treading treadmills do not improve your golf game. The exercises have to build up your rotational strength, and work on the muscles used in your golf swing. They should also include stretching workouts to improve the flexibility of your joints and muscles.

There is no need to buy expensive training aids for this, or even to join a gym. There is a lot of inexpensive equipment that can be used, the dearest of which will probably be a weighted golf club. In order to strengthen all the muscles that you use during your swing, you are best to swing against a resistance. A weighted golf club is the easiest way to provide that resistance, and is a popular means of strengthening your swing, and so improving your distance.

You can also do it with a single dumbbell or a medicine ball. Hold it in both hands and swing with it. This is just as effective. Another inexpensive training aid is a length of exercise or resistance tubing. Fix this to a door or wall and swing holding it in your hands. You can get various strength ratings of tubing, and it is very good for a wide range of strength-related exercises.

simple flexibility exercises can be carried out by holding a weighted medicine ball. Sitting straight up on a chair, hold the ball straight out in front of you then twist to the left as far as you can. Hold it for few seconds then twist to the right. A few repetitions a day and you will notice that you are swinging your gold club a lot easier and without any aching joints or muscles. As you get fitter you can increase the weight of the ball.

You can even improvise if you dont want to spend any money on golf training aids. Al you need is something with a bit of weight in it. A heavy rock can be used in place of the medicine ball, and you can tie some weighs to your golf club to increase its weight. All you need is some resistance to your normal swing, and there are a whole load of flexibility exercises you can carry out without any equipment whatsoever. A few twists with a golf club across your shoulder will loosen up your shoulder, back and abdominal muscles, and you can also do the same thing sitting down.

There are plenty of proprietary training aids available on the market such as laser systems that ensure that your stance is correct, with your feet in the right place. Many of these are below $100 though the more expensive systems can also provide a trace of your swing arc, and the direction the ball would take. There are specially designed balls that you hold between your arms to keep them correctly positioned in the swing. These enable you to improve your swing mechanics for extra power and length.

If you want to pay a bit more, you can purchase a hinged driver that helps you to swing with the correct tempo and in the correct plane. Once you get it right, your muscle memory develops and you eventually find yourself swinging correctly shot after shot without having to think of it. You can concentrate on other aspects of your game without worrying about your swing. Wouldnt it be great if your swing was spot on every time?

Although simple training aids like the hinged clubs are not necessarily inexpensive, most are, and a four foot resistance tube fitted with handles can be purchased online for less than $10. Hows that for inexpensive! Weighted medicine balls range from around $10 for a 1 Kg ball to over $30 for 5 Kg balls. Thats still pretty inexpensive. So, as you can see, some excellent golf training aids are available at very affordable prices.

OK, you can get the crme de la crme equipment, but is it really needed? All you need is some swing resistance to build up your strength in the swing, and to help stretch those muscles, so that you can store energy in your backswing, much like a stretched elastic band, ready to release explosively in your swing, and hammer that ball 300 yards straight down the fairway. A $10 aid will do that just as well as its $100 equivalent.

This article was brought to you by CapitalistLife.com, your best resource for earning, keeping and enjoying wealth. Visit us to learn more about Golf.

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Golf Gift Baskets for the Mighty and Fallen

life can seem to be such a grand event one minute but also an ever so cruel villain the next. this statement applies perfectly to the typical round of golf for many. What trophy is at our disposal to grant to one that has seen the good, bad, and ugly after the 18th hole has come and gone? golf gift Baskets is the correct answer.

Mark Twain stated that Golf is a good walk spoiled. this has proven to be correct from my perspective on most occasions on the links and Im sure many or, perhaps, most other participants would agree. The game has, nonetheless, remained firmly entrenched in our world of sports and something is needed to commemorate our association with this fixation of ours. Thats where golf gift Baskets fit in.

There will always come along a date or event that merits the giving of a gift to someone. Birthdays, anniversaries and graduations are examples of this. You may also simply want to raise someones spirits or send a message of gratitude with a gift as well. Theres then the challenge of getting the present that will send a message in a language that the beneficiary can understand. golf gift Baskets can be a bulls-eye hit for those that love the game!

Why? Its the passion that matters! The recipient of this prize doesnt have to be a great, good, decent, or even a mediocre player. This type of gift symbolizes something unique within each person that has raised his or her sword against this 18-headed dragon. Theres at least one memory within the links course participant that brings a sense of glory and triumph. golf gift Baskets revive that bit of the past and light a fire to seek further conquest in the future.

golf gift Baskets not only have practical value with their golf related contents but also a theme in perfect harmony with the recipients inner self and personality. So, take the right step towards getting the gift that will put the ball on the green of what it means to make a golfer feel truly a part of the game.

Brian is the owner of aGiftBasketParadise.com and invites you to visit http://www.agiftbasketparadise.com/golf.html for gifts to a lover of the game from pro golfer to pathetic hacker.

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Reasons To Own A Boat

Reasons to own a boat:
There are many advantages to owning a boat. Relaxation, time spent with friends and family, and enjoying nature are only a few reasons why owning a boat is so wonderful. In my opinion, the best reason to own a boat is that it simply that it improves the quality of life. Once you board your boat and set off on the wide open water, your worries seem to fade away. It makes you feel like almost as thought you are in another world. Boating becomes a way of life for you and your family. Take advantage of all the benefits that boating has to offer.

Enjoying family and friends:
Running errands, bringing the kids to school, picking them up from practice and working long hours are all part of a normal week for most people. You need some recovery time from all of the hustle and bustle of everyday life. this also brings your family together for shared quality time. this is also a great opportunity to teach your kids something new, whether it is fishing, boating lingo, or exploring nature. Pull them out from in front of the video games and get them out there to enjoy the great outdoors. There are numerous activities that your family can enjoy on a boat. The kids as well as yourself can enjoy tubing, skiing, fishing, swimming or just cruising along on the calm waters. You will enjoy each others company, laugh, talk, and make memories that will last a lifetime.

Endless waters:
When you are on your boat, there is always somewhere new to go. With 2/3 of the planet covered with water, there is bound to be a river, lake, bay, or ocean that you havent explored. If you think that you dont live in an area where you will use a boat often enough, think again. Most people live within an hour of a navigable body of water. So look up your local marina, and find out where the closest body of water is to you. If it is a small river, see where it leads to. If may be a 20 minute boat ride to a lake you have never been to.

fun and stress relieving:
After working you tail off all week long, you deserve some recreational leisure time. Boating has proven to relieve stress and tension. When you are floating away from the shore, it feels as if you are floating away from your worries and troubles. They are not welcome out on the peaceful water. With endless activities and opportunities that boating has to offer, it can be so much fun. Once you decide what you will be using your new boat for, choose the type of boat that is right for you.

affordable recreation:
Many people think that to be a boat owner you need to be raking in the big bucks. That isnt true. You can finance a boat for around $200 a month. You can save that if you give up going out to dinner a few times a month. Owning a boat can be affordable if you budget your money. There are many money saving tips for boat owners. In the long run, owning a boat will save you money. Think of how much you spend on family vacations. If you own a boat, you can go anywhere that the water will take you. If you have a cabin and bathroom facilities, a weekend trip to somewhere new is always exciting for the family. Now you dont have to pay for a hotel, and you can bring your own food.

Now that you have decided that you cant go another summer without a boat, visit SellUrBoat.com to search for your new boat. It wont be long before you are watching the sun set over the lake that you and your family just spent the day on.

Kristy Bateman is the writer for Earl's Blog on SellUrBoat.com. These articles are unique and helpful to anyone interested in learning about boating and or fishing. Please visit SellUrBoat.com to view a variety of unique articles from Kristy. SellUrBoat.com is The Simplest Solution to Buying and Selling 'Ur' Boat.

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