The Fat Calories Myth
So why all the talk about fat calories?
Dieters in today's world seem to have an obsession with counting fat calories. Remember the last time you were in the supermarket? If you are like most diet maniacs you flipped that container of dressing around and examined the number of fat grams listed on the label. Heck, you probably even put back the one you really wanted and opted for the fat free variety?
Why the obsession?
Somewhere along the way you picked up the silly idea that the fat contained in your food actually contributes to the flab hanging around your waist.
Could it be from all of those Subway commercials? You know, the ones with our friend Jared comparing the amount of fat grams in Subway sandwiches to the amount in "those burger joints". How does that line go? "Subway has 6 sandwiches with 6 grams of fat or less". Or something like that...
Actually, that is not completely accurate. It should read "Subway has 6 sandwiches with 6 grams of dietary fat or less".
Believe it or not there is a difference between body fat and dietary fat? dietary fat is fat that is found in the food you eat. body fat is that ugly stuff that hangs from your waistline. quite simply, there is absolutely no proof that dietary fat contributes to body fat. However, what does contribute to body fat is all of the chemicals found in the food of nearly every major food chain and in almost all food you purchase at the supermarket... Yes, even the fat free stuff!
people have made the mistake of viewing dietary fat as body fat. They have the idea that the more fatty foods they eat the more body fat they will gain. This is not necessarily true!
I realize that you are probably shaking your head in disagreement so allow me to illustrate. You know that sugar you put on your cereal today... It contains no dietary fat, but continuous use will assuredly contribute to that flabby midsection. In contrast, purchase a bag of almonds. Go ahead and check the fat content on the bag. Don't freak out though! If you think you will get fat eating those almonds...Fat Chance! In fact, you may just get thinner.
It's time to forget about counting fat calories. If you want to lose weight then there is something far more important to pay attention to... All things artificial!
The next time you take to the isles of the supermarket take a moment to read the labels on all of the food you are purchasing. Only this time, look past the fat grams and scan the ingredients. Nearly all food that is purchased in the vast majority of our grocery stores has artificial food additives, preservative or some other chemicals. You would do well to eliminate these foods from your diet because they are making you fat!
Jason Clemens is a leading weight loss and nutrition coach. "Forget the fat calories!
learn how you can lose substantial amounts of weight faster and easier
than you ever dreamed possible by simply following the basics?"