Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Other Things For Yoga

The greatest thing about doing yoga is the way that you can use props for the routine. They will give you the ability to meditate and calm yourself. The props are necessary for the inner body and the mind. The props are a variety of things including essential oils, incense, jewelry, chimes, and others. Below is listed some of the props that are used for yoga and ones that you should think about using for your routine.

1. Incense - you will find a plethora of scents for yoga. two such scents are well known and they are jasmine and lavender. They are thought to be the better scents to help to calm your mind and get rid of stress. Even though these are more common, the scent you choose should be one that you like. Your mind and personality will tell you what the better fragrance is for you. They will need to have a calming effect on you and your emotions.

2. Essential Oils - these fragrances do more than smell good. They will also address any other problems you are having. They will give you a good attitude and will help your lungs. The essential oils come from the roots, stems, flowers, and leaves of organic plants and are made into blends and mixed with carrier oils. They are mainly used for your physical and your mental health. aromatherapy oils will give you the balance you need to calm your mind and body and to bring about the right kind of spirit.

3. jewelry - something that will not make an impact on the yoga but will give you the inspiration you need to devote yourself to the yoga. It will provide you with a way to become involved with the yoga and the symbols of it.

4. Yoga Chimes - these will give you a relaxing sound and will provide you with a balanced and peaceful place to do the yoga. They will boost your spirit helping you to get rid of the bad vibes by giving you a positive energy. They are used in the doorway and will give those who visit a safe and peaceful feeling as they go under them. The old musical notes that are common in the orient and will give the body, mind, and spirit, a healing balance, synchronize the large part of the chimes used in yoga.

Using other items in yoga will help to provide you with a physical and mental calm and a spiritual awareness. There is no consecutive proof that these items will heal you, they will however, give you the yoga environment you will be able to have fun with and enjoy.

You can also find more info on Yoga Apparel and Yoga Certification Videos. Ezyogaguide.com is a comprehensive resource to know about Yoga and its importance.

Yoga And Meditation And Poses

Is Nicole Richie Too Skinny?

There is a great debate going on in Hollywood and everywhere else U.S.A. Celebrities are being scrutinized more than ever. Make that female celebrities:) And in this ever growing fish bowl is the new celebrity target - nicole Richie.

In every celebrity magazine, every week, is a picture of richie - looking quite thin - and bouncing about town in a new designer outfit and handbag that seems to be a bit bigger than she is:)

It was even rumored that her dramatic weight loss and refusal to get help for it was the source of the tragic:) break-up between her and her longtime friend Paris HIlton.

But to be fair - nicole richie has seriously transformed her life. She is the adopted daughter of a very public and tumultuous divorced couple - Lionel and Brenda richie. Probably the initial source of many of her emotional troubles.

She battled her way back from a very tough alcohol and drug addiction through rehab and lots of family and individual therapy.

She landed a great reality television gig as Paris Hilton's partner in crime on The Simple Life, and is the author of a fiction title: The Truth about Diamonds. She also is getting married to fiance DJ AM, and appears to be very happy in that relationship.

Okay that sounds great - but isn't she just too skinny?

While it is true that nicole richie looked unhealthy early on in The Simple LIfe and in other celebrity pictures around that time - I wouldn't necessarily have called her chubby. Instead I would say, she looked bloated. Unhealthy from all of the poisons she was ingesting, richie has said in the past (such as on the oprah show) that she had been on an escalating path of alcohol and drug abuse since the age of 13.

When coming clean - it is very possible that richie began an extremely disciplined exercise and diet regime to reclaim her health and control her life. And then went - overboard.

Many times people who suffer from an addiction of some kind - alcohol, drugs, overeating, gambling etc., will substitute that vice for another intense activity, addiction, or obsession. That is why it is not recommended for people who are in a 12-step program to begin dating each other. Instead of dealing with themselves, they just substitute the energy spent on getting drunk or high on the new relationship. Then the relationship becomes too intense, too fast, and fizzles out quickly because there was no real foundation.

nicole richie may have simply substituted years of addiction with the compulsion to control her life and feelings in other ways, and controlling her intake of food is one way she may have chosen to take charge of her life.

Of course this behavior can easily manifest itself into a full-blown eating disorder, because it is based on the principle of "control" where these disorders usually begin.

The Bottom Line?

Well, the bottom line is that although she may have her reasons - nicole richie is way too thin - too skinny - much too petite. Hopefully, in spite of all the media attention to her weight - she will get the "real" kind of help and attention she needs from her friends and family, as well as direction from a mental health professional who can help her redirect her energy into more positive avenues.

Good luck Nicole!

Lisa Angelettie, M.S.W., is a psychotherapist, author, and an online advice authority. She has been helping people make smarter life choices since 1998. Visit her for Advice & Counseling, or take a free Depression Screening today at http://www.Girlshrink.com You can also Subscribe to the site's popular self-help ezine: "Better Choices".

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