Saturday, March 8, 2008

Nutritional Tips for Trail Running

Trail running is quickly becoming one of the most popular sports in the outdoor industry. Barely recognized as a sport a few years ago, trail running was viewed as a speedy alternative to hiking. However, with the emergence of ultra-distance running on trails the prestige that comes with winning a trail race has increased tremendously. As trail running becomes more mainstream, it is important that you as a runner remember a few crucial bits of nutritional information that will make any trail run all the more enjoyable.

Hydration: The Key to Performance

Proper hydration is at the forefront of any activity you plan to participate in. If your body is in motion, then you need to make sure that you are hydrated. Water is essential to the human body. 60-70% of our body mass is water, up to 90% of our brain mass is water, and up to 75% of muscle tissue is comprised of water. Water is also the main component of blood the important carrier of glucose, oxygen and other nutrients. In general, your body loses 64-80 ounces of water daily through urine, feces, sweat, skin, and expired air. This water needs to be replaced by daily fluid consumption of 64-80 ounces. Another, albeit much less scientific, way to determine daily fluid requirements is to evaluate your urine. Dark and concentrated urine is indicative of inadequate fluid intake. Urine should be pale yellow to clear, and copious. Trail running is a four-season sport. You can run in practically any weather condition, on virtually any terrain.

In warm weather, the only way to ensure that you will not become dehydrated is to stop it before it happens. When you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated. That is why it is important to properly hydrate before any event. The clich eight glasses a day does not take into account your standard active athlete. If you are training in the heat, you need not worry about how many glasses you are drinking but rather concentrate on drinking periodically throughout the day. Keep a water bottle close to you at all times and sip from it continuously. This will ensure that your cells with be maximally hydrated at the start of any workout. Although water is great to be drinking if you are planning on sitting still all day, if you are active you should be hydrating with a carbohydrate solution, preferably one with anywhere between 6-8% carbohydrates. This will ensure that your body not only gets the hydration it craves but also that it maintains the right amount of electrolytes. during the trail run itself, focus on continuing to sip continuously from your water bottle. It is best if you can either run with a handheld water bottle or find a comfortable hydration pack. Weigh yourself before and after a hot weather workout to ensure proper rehydration. For every pound that you lose while running, rehydrate with 24oz of liquid or 150% of your total water loss.

In the cold you need to remember that you still have to hydrate. Your hydration needs in cool weather are just as important as in hot weather. You will not feel like you need to drink as much liquid; however, you still need to avoid becoming dehydrated. While you wont be losing as much liquid through perspiration, you still need to have liquid on hand, especially if you plan to run over thirty minutes. Try to drink every ten to fifteen minutes to ensure that you avoid becoming thirsty.

Choosing the right liquid is critical to your hydrating success. Find a carbohydrate drink that will sit well with your stomach and budget. If you are racing, train with the drink that will be provided on the course, since that will be what you will drinking once you get out there. Find an electrolyte containing beverages with 4% to 8% carbohydrate. Drinking a 10% carbohydrate solution can potentially cause gastrointestinal issues, which can be considerably uncomfortable regardless if you are training or racing. The high sugar content can slow the release of fluids into your intestine and delay the rate of absorption. With a 4-8% combination of carbohydrates your body is able to absorb a proper balance of electrolytes which is recommended for any events lasting longer than an hour. Though beverages with caffeine provide hydration, they are not the best choice as excessive caffeine consumption may interfere with sleep patterns and will have a mild diuretic effect. Try to limit your intake of these liquids throughout the day especially if you are planning on a long distance trail run.

Get the Gear: Finding the Right Hydration system

If you are just getting into trail running you need to find the hydration system that will work best for you. This can take time and will only improve with experience, so be patient. For a long distance training trail run, find a hydration system that is lightweight, comfortable and will be able to carry enough liquid to meet your hydration needs. Personally, I prefer to run with handheld water bottles, because holding the water bottles reminds me of the need to drink. If I run with a hydration pack, I find myself becoming consumed in the run and forgetting to drink. However, by holding the bottles I have a constant reminder that I need to stay hydrated. The only downside to carrying water bottles is that you have something in your hands. This can become a problem on a long distance run when your body becomes fatigued and the last thing you want to do is hold onto a multi-pound water bottle. That is why running with a pack can be an advantage.

In the beginning, hydration packs were cumbersome and not worth the discomfort that they brought. However, in recent years that has changed as the outdoor industry has consistently improved on the lightweight, comfortable hydration pack. In cool weather conditions a pack is ideal. When you first start out running more than likely you will be wearing excess clothing. Shedding a few layers with no where to stash them can be a problem; however, with a pack you can easily stuff them away. Then if the weather turns malo you can just pull them back out. Also, since more than likely you will not be drinking as much liquid you can better regulate how much liquid you are carrying by how much fluid you put into the bladder. If you enjoy running with a hydration pack in warm weather, look for one that will be able to keep your back cool. The main problem I found with early hydration packs was that they trapped the heat expelled off your back. I found myself loosing an enormous amount of liquid from the sweat caused by the rubbing of the hydration pack and my back. Either choose a hydration pack like the Patagonia Houdini Hydration Pack that has mesh shoulder straps and an air flow system or use a lumbar pack like the CamelBak Alterra Hydration Pack to remain cool and hydrated in the hottest of conditions.

watch Your Calories: You need Fuel!

If you are planning on running over an hour then you need to make sure that you take into account your nutritional needs as well as hydration needs. Your body size and the activities you choose will determine how many calories you need to consume while exercising. Typically, most experts recommend that athletes eat anywhere from 100 to 150 calories per hour to maintain proper glycolic and caloric balances. Regardless of what type of food or gel you use for fuel delivery, carbohydrates remain your best source of energy for training and racing. Remember not to shun real food for synthetic food options. Fig Newtons, Banana, Peanut Butter sandwiches and Larabars are all great options that can be easily packed into a hydration pack or carried on a trail run.

As your body pushes the limits, make sure that you are providing it with the right fuel for the job. To sum up, staying properly hydrated throughout the day is crucial to your workout success. Find a 4-8% carbohydrate drink that your stomach can tolerate if you plan to be running longer than an hour and plan to consume 100-150 calories per hour of exercise. Finally, experiment with different hydrating options until you find a hydration system that works for you. Everybody is different, but taking the time and finding the right way to stay hydrated and fueled will yield major advantages for any athlete in any discipline.

For more information on outfitting yourself for trail running, visit

Josh Wheeler is an avid trail runner, cyclist, and swimmer who is currently combining his talents for all three and has begun a grueling triathlon training program.

Josh overcame brain cancer during his senior year at the McCallie School in Chattanooga, TN to become the number one ranked triathlete in the Southeast in his age division. He is currently training for the Collegiate Nationals and the age group Nationals; in hopes to qualify and represent the US at the Worlds in germany. Josh also continues to excel as an honors scholar at Appalachian State University in Boone, NC. In his rare spare time, he also works for RockCreek.com.

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How to Repair an Xbox 360 - A Rising Question Amongst Avid Gamers

A large portion of the owners of one of the most popular game consoles of all time are finding themselves asking this very question.

In a recent press release, microsoft announced that it would be spending up to $1.15 billion to repair Xbox 360 game consoles. A dollar amount of that significance could mean that one third, and up to as many as half, of the machines are in some way flawed.

On the upside, microsoft also announced that they are increasing the original one-year warranty to a full three years. Unfortunately, with a turn-around time of up to six weeks to return and receive your broken Xbox 360, that warranty doesnt cover inconvenience. What many consider to be too much of an inconvenience after shelling out the three to four hundred dollars it can cost for this premium console. Let alone the fact that there are a large number of consumers whose warranties have already expired, leaving another rather hefty price tag to have them repaired (typically $100 to $140). However, where any problem exists, there is normally more than one solution.

One of the solutions proving to be quite prominent is the suggestion of repairing the xbox 360 yourself. This can prove to be quite a difficult task, seeing as how microsoft stated the Xbox console contains 1,700 components and upwards of 500 million transistors, leaving even an intelligent consumer tracking their xbox on the UPS website (Microsofts preferred shipping method). But again, opportunists and consumers prevail...

Manuals...lots of them...have been written instructing individuals on how to fix the xbox 360 themselves, after seeing what is referred to as "The Red Ring of Death". In fact, some people are even making a secondary income repairing the consoles for friends, family and even people they dont know through referral business after reading one of these manuals. The tough part is finding a manual that doesnt leave you lost in a sea of words and diagrams thinking that only an engineer can save you.

When looking for a manual with instructions on how to fix your xbox, there are a couple of things that you should consider absolutely mandatory. These are full color pictures, simple step-by-step instructions, offers both a simple quick fix, as well as a permanent one, and lastly, one that does not require you to go out and buy expensive equipment and tools. The ideal manual will also give you an estimate of about how long it will take an individual with no technical knowledge to finish the fix. That time frame should be at or around an hour.

Balance Yoga Mat

Fad Diets - Don't Believe These 10 Diet Myths

If your nutrition and weight-loss education comes mostly by way of fad diet books and magazine articles, you will believe 10 myths and to lose weight you need to get them out of your head.

Fad diets dont work period - So if you believe any of the following you need to change your view to lose weight.

1. Skipping meals helps you lose weight.

No it does not! it makes you hungrier as it creates huger cravings and actually causes you to over eat. You need to eat 5 meals a day.

2. Your metabolism is slower at night.

Your metabolism doesn't slow down at night.

This fad diet myth comes from the fact that most people eat a larger proportion of calories in the evening and if your metabolism slows down then when you sleep these calories will turn to fat!

As your metabolism is not slower at night, it makes no difference when you eat - its the overall calories consumed that cause the damage not the time of day their eaten that matters.

3. Carbohydrates cause weight gain.

This is perhaps the most common fad diet myth. This myth has been promoted by high-protein fad diets on the market.

Carbohydrates are your body's premier source of fuel. The thing to keep in mind with cards is good and bad ones and eat the good ones is the

Replace carbs with high sugar content (simple carbs) i.e biscuits and sweets with complex carbs: Fruit, vegetables whole-grain brown rice and cereal.

Not eating carbs will make you sluggish and irritable.

4. lose weight is hard and a chore.

Well many fad diets are! As they deprive you of foods you love, their therefore hard to stick with.

Fact is we were never designed to be on fad diets. dieting is all about balance and you can include any foods you love, but if there sugary or fat foods then you just need to eat them in moderation.

5. Fat free foods that are calorie free.

That low-fat label is by no means a license to over indulge Many low-fat products are loaded with sugar to as a substitute for the missing fat, which means they are just as high in calories as the sugar is simply turned into fat!

6. No Snacks

If you have time to eat 5 meals a day you wont probably want to snack, if its three times a day a quick snack is a good idea. At the end of the day, its total calories consumed in a day that counts not how you eat them.

A quick snack can help you stop overeating and keep your energy levels high.

7. Fat is bad for you

Fats are part of the natural food chain of humans and we all need a certain amount of fat to healthy, but we need good ones.

Bad fats increase the risk for certain diseases and good fats lower the risk. The key is to make sure your eating the right fats.

Fats that are actually healthy are referred to as "essential fatty acids." These fats are required for overall health and lower risk of heart disease.

The reason oily fish is so good is that the essential fatty acids contained actually help your body burn fat more efficiently and protect against disease. 8. Cholesterol is bad for you

Cholesterol is a fatty substance that is made by the liver, we all need some blood cholesterol as it's used to build cells and form hormones.

There is good and bad cholesterol.

Saturated fats in foods such as meat, cheese, cream, butter help raise LDL (low density lipoprotein) bad cholesterol.

This then delivers cholesterol to the arteries. HDL (high density lipoprotein) - or 'good' cholesterol - transports cholesterol away from the arteries and back to the liver. simply avoid this group or eat in moderation

9. Dairy products make you fat.

Combined with calorie control, a dairy-rich diet can nearly double body-fat reduction and help you lose weight longer term

The reason is they contain the hormone calcitriol, which helps conserve calcium for stronger bones while sending a message to fat cells to convert less sugar to fat and burn more body fat.

10. There is a short cut way to lose weight

This is the myth promoted by all fad diets you can lose weight quickly and be healthy No you cant. Our bodies are not designed to crash diet and fad diets sound easy but people end up being disappointed.

The only way to lose weight is to do it slowly, with a balanced diet.

Forget fad diets and lose weight the right way.

More FREE info

On fad diets and ways to lose weight sensibly please visit our website for articles, ezines downloads and magazines:


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