Thursday, February 28, 2008

How Powerful Is The Nintendo Revolution?

game developer Midway revealed in a recent job posting that they were looking for a designer for a next-gen first person shooter using the powerful Unreal Engine 3. In the job posting, Midway accidently mentioned some news on a next-gen First Person shooter in the works.

Midway will release the game for each new next gen console, the Xbox360, the Playstation 3, and the nintendo Revolution. As well the game will play based on Unreal Engine 3 technology.

Could the Nintendo Revolution be more powerful than previously expected? Nintendo has admitted that the Revolution will most likely not be as powerful as the xbox 360 or the Sony ps3, but by how much? If the nintendo Revolution can handle the Unreal Engine 3 technology, nintendo just might be holding back on us.

Historically, nintendo has been known to be very tight lipped about release dates for their new, highly anticipated products. The Revolution, is following the same trend. However, despite Nintendos steadfast policy of keeping the information on the down-low, many sources are hinting that nintendo is planning on releasing their revolutionary new system this fall, near Thanksgiving to be precise.

By May at the E3, all of the the answers regarding the nintendo Revolution shouls be answered.

Vacation From Vacations Yoga

How To Lose Weight Fast

Your weight is basically determined by the balance between how many calories you consume and the amount of energy you burn in everyday activities.

Being overweight can become a matter of life and death. people who are overweight and obese are more likely to develop a number of potentially serious health problems.

obesity and being overweight are kind of interwoven. obesity is a condition of being overweight. Once an individuals weight is 20% or more above their ideal body weight, they are considered obese. Unusually, a person is overweight before they become obese.

Overweight is defined as a condition of weighing more that what is ideal for their height and body structure. If a person's weight is 20% or more above their ideal body weight, they are considered obese. Excess weight may come from muscle, bone, fat and/or body water.

However, a person is first overweight before he becomes obese.


*You become very prone to high blood pressure.When you have excess body fat, your body retains sodium. When your body retains sodium, blood volume increases and blood pressure rises. High blood pressure causes your heart to work faster, which in turn becomes dangerous to ones health.

*Your liable to have stroke

*Excess weight adds pressure to joints and wears away at the cartilage that protects them. This process is known as Osteoarthritis.

*One develops weak pelvic muscles.

*There is Physical Discomfort: As fat accumulates, it crowds the space occupied by your organs. people who are overweight may have difficulty breathing, walking or sitting

*Gallstones: Gallstones are more common in people who are overweight. The connection between gallstones and weight is ulcer.

*one is prone to diabetes.obesity is the leading cause of type 2 diabetes. Excess fat makes your body resistant to insulin. When your body is resistant to insulin, your cells can't get the energy they need.

Scary, isn't it. However i got good news for you.

How to lose Weight?

If you are obese or overweight then you know that your health is at risk. It is important that you loose weight, fast and develop a healthy lifestyle. There are many weight loss program and it is important to find a program that suits you.

These links are a sure way to help you shed some of those unwanted fats. click on them, and see how your total lifestyle will be transformed.

Did you find the information above useful? Be sure to click on this link for more information and links. best regards. http://goarticles.com/cgi-bin/showa.cgi?C=574065

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Lose Weight, Gain Back Your Life 2

Losing weight has nothing to do with will power or lack of. Fanatical dieting, Emotional Eating and Conditioning are the 3 most common patterns for obesity. I have mentioned in past articles of a highly successful technique that I use with clients and in my workshops. Remembering that all you need do is to DO IT!

It often works where nothing else will, usually rapid, long lasting and gentle, no drugs or equipment involved, easily learned by anyone and can be self applied. As Emotional Eating is the second most proven reason for obesity, I think this should be the first place to start, and it may well then work on fanatical dieting and conditioning.

The method is EMOTIONAL freedom TECHNIQUE, made of a set up, basic recipe and Affirmation Statement.


The most important part of the technique is the setup. To do this we say an affirmation whilst tapping or rubbing a particular spot. For the purpose of this exercise I am going to show you the karate chop set up. If you have a look at your hand, palm facing you, look at the side of the hand from the top of the pinky finger down to the wrist. Just above the wrist is a flesh part where one would normally do a karate chophave you found it. If so this is the area you will tap using your pointer and middle fingers. Okso now that we have all of that out of the way I want you to tap you karate spot for practice.

BASIC recipe - The Meridians

The meridians are as follow, try and find it on your body as I mention it. Practice a little so you become familiar with them.
1. Eye Brow this is the beginning of the eyebrow above the nose
2. Side of Eye this can be found the bone at the end of the eyebrow
3. Under Eye on the cheekbone under the eye
4. Under Nose- under the nose above the top lip
5. Chin the crevasse between the lower lip and the chin
6. Collar bone just under the collar bone
7. Armpit halfway down under the armpit
8. Thumb under the nail of the thumb
9. Pointer finger bottom side of the nail facing the thumb
10. Middle finger - bottom side of the nail facing the thumb
11. Little finger - bottom side of the nail facing the thumb
Repeat 1 to 7

Whilst tapping your karate spot as mentioned above you say an affirmation as listed below.

Using the Emotional freedom Technique:

* SET UP followed by the statements below

* BASIC recipe


Then repeat the exercise again for each statement. You may feel you dont need to do some of the statements, however, experience has shown me from workshop participants and private clients that undertaking each one will be of great benefit. You will see that all statements starts with Even though.and ends with I deeply and completely accept myself or similar, add this ending where done is provided.


Even though I use the sweets to feel better, because I love how they make me feel, I choose to feel safe and comfortable without them.

Even though sweets are the only thing that make me feel better, "

Even though I feel grief when I think of losing weight, and giving up my favorite foods, ...

Even though I have this terrible craving to eat my favorite food, "

Even though I use food to comfort my loneliness,...

Even though I fear feeling deprived, and dont want to give anything up, ...

Even though I dont feel safe without the extra pounds, ..."

Even though Im embarrassed to admit that Im obese, I choose to accept myself anyway.

Even though my needs are insignificant, and I dont count, I accept all of my feelings.

"Even though I'm a food addict, ..." .

"Even though I'm, obsessed with food..." .

"Even though I'm a sugar addict..." .

"Even though I crave sweets at night..." .

"Even though I have an enormous appetite..." (we'll get to the underlying cause of this "appetite" later.) .

"Even though I'm a closet eater..."

"Even though I binge at night..." .

"Even though I eat when I'm bored..."

"Even though I eat when I'm angry..."

"Even though I eat when I'm lonely..."

"Even though I overeat to hurt myself... .

"Even though I eat to avoid my feelings..."

"Even though I use food to soothe myself..."

"Even though I overeat to hide myself..."

"Even though I binge because I think I'm worthless..."

"Even though I overeat because I don't love myself..."

"Even though I hate myself for overeating..."

"Even though I feel guilty when I overeat..."

"Even though I feel guilty about being overweight..."

"Even though I'm anxious when I sit down to eat.." .

"Even though I associate food with fighting..."

"Even though I feel unsafe without food..."

"Even though I eat to feel better...

"Even though I have a block to losing weight, I choose to lose weight now

"Even though I sabotage myself to losing weight..."

"It's not safe for me to lose weight."

"It's not safe for others if I lose weight."

"I don't feel supported by my family members..."

"I don't deserve to be happy with my body."

"Even if I never get over this eating disorder..."

"Even if I never lose weight..."

"Even though my metabolism is too slow..."

"Even though my metabolism is imbalanced..."

"Even though I cant resist my chips, I deeply

Even though I fear feeling deprived, and dont want to give anything up, I deeply and completely accept myself.

"Even though Ill never be enough, there was never enough, and there probably wont be enoughI choose to feel satisfied anyway.

Even though I feel deep grief, and want to eat to cover it up, I deeply and completely accept myself.

Even though I feel these deep losses, and I want to stuff myself with food, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway.

Even though I feel abandoned because they left me, I deeply and completely accept my feelings.

There are a million and one possible affirmations to work on; I have chosen the most important and most effective affirmations that work. If you have any comments of how you went or need some assistance, go to my website for contact details.

Happy recovery because you have taken a major step to gaining back your life.

Author Bio: Gillian Tarawhiti BSc, Dip BM, Dip Ed, is Founder and CEO of Community Training Centre & Gain Back Your life Centre, A registered EFT Practitioner, Member of AAMET and Online Training and support to the new and not so new netpreneurs. Gillian is also the author of eBay Billion Dollar Goldmine, and the creator of the Multiple Ripple Effect System 2004. Permission is granted to reprint this article in print or on your web site so long as the paragraph above is included and contact information is provided to http://www.gainbackyourlife-eft.com

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